Circles of Wisdom – What is Wisdom?
In a Circle of Wisdom you will meet people who are motivated to look at life from a spiritual perspective. Ideally people come from different traditions, which creates the necessity to do without one’s usual vocabulary and concepts and really connect with one’s own understanding and wisdom.
We start with half an hour of silent meditation. Later on there is also time and space for inner listening and silence. We use a virtual talking stick to slow down the conversation. We keep the principles of collective presencing in mind as they were formulated by Otto Scharmer and Ria Baeck: an open mind, an open heart and an open will. Trust as well as a consciously cultivated heart connection create the foundation for an inspiring and uplifting exchange.
Each meeting is centered around a theme. In this cycle we will deepen our understanding of what wisdom means to us.
As 2021 sees the start of the first English-spoken circles of wisdom, there will be a short introduction at the beginning of each meeting, in case people join for the first time.
Dates: Wednesday September 15th, October 13th, November 10th, December 15th – from 4pm till 7pm CET.
Suggested contribution 30,- € per meeting. Payment can be made through paypal, with transferwise or within the EU by bank transfer.
For those with modest financial standing, or who are struggling financially, please send a mail, so that we can sense into what contribution feels good on both sides.
Information and enrollment: griet.hellinckx@re-connect.net